Explore UpToDate features

The UpToDate Enterprise solution offers comprehensive clinical decision support tailored for healthcare organizations, including features such as advanced integration with electronic health records (EHRs), customizable content, and access to specialty-specific resources. With a focus on enhancing clinical efficiency and improving patient care, UpToDate Enterprise provides healthcare professionals with evidence-based information and tools to support informed decision-making at the point of care.

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100+ studies show improved outcomes
Patient care improves when clinicians use UpToDate clinical decision support. Explore the numerous research studies that demonstrate improved outcomes, ROI, and time savings.
Integrate with team workflows
Solutions from UpToDate integrate with a number of EHR and business systems to provide evidence-based information at the point-of-care and within your teams’ current workflow.
Expert editorial content
At the heart of the UpToDate suite is a global community of more than 7,400 authors, editors, and peer reviewers who are leaders in their field. They follow a rigorous editorial process aligned with our editors.
The future of Generative AI in CDS
By combining trusted evidence-based information with the power of Generative AI, UpToDate is committed to responsible applications of innovation for better patient care.
True or False
UpToDate provides access to evidence-based clinical content that helps healthcare professionals make informed decisions.
UpToDate does indeed provide access to evidence-based clinical content that assists healthcare professionals in making informed decisions. It's a trusted resource widely used by physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare providers for its comprehensive and up-to-date information on medical conditions, treatment options, and guidelines.
UpToDate does indeed provide access to evidence-based clinical content that assists healthcare professionals in making informed decisions. It's a trusted resource widely used by physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare providers for its comprehensive and up-to-date information on medical conditions, treatment options, and guidelines.
True or False
UpToDate is primarily designed for use by patients to self-diagnose and self-treat medical conditions.
UpToDate is not designed for use by patients to self-diagnose or self-treat medical conditions. While patients may access some UpToDate content through their healthcare providers, the platform is primarily intended for use by healthcare professionals who can interpret and apply the information appropriately in clinical settings.
UpToDate is not designed for use by patients to self-diagnose or self-treat medical conditions. While patients may access some UpToDate content through their healthcare providers, the platform is primarily intended for use by healthcare professionals who can interpret and apply the information appropriately in clinical settings.
True or False
UpToDate offers subscription-based access to its comprehensive database of medical information.
UpToDate offers subscription-based access to its extensive database of medical information. Healthcare institutions, organizations, and individual practitioners can subscribe to UpToDate to gain access to its wealth of clinical content, including articles, reviews, drug information, and more, ensuring that they have access to the latest evidence-based information to support patient care.
UpToDate offers subscription-based access to its extensive database of medical information. Healthcare institutions, organizations, and individual practitioners can subscribe to UpToDate to gain access to its wealth of clinical content, including articles, reviews, drug information, and more, ensuring that they have access to the latest evidence-based information to support patient care.

UpToDate behaves like a consultant, not like an encyclopedia. You’re asynchronously consulting with the experts who wrote the article.”

– Dr. David Fleece, CMIO, Temple University Health System

Evidence-based clinical decision support your teams can trust

For over 30 years, clinicians around the world have trusted the evidence-based content in the UpToDate® clinical decision support (CDS) system to help make crucial care decisions when it matters most. Founded by clinicians for clinicians, and backed by an expert editorial team in over 25 specialties, UpToDate provides the latest medical information and care recommendations for healthcare professionals across the care continuum – providing guidance even when the answers are unclear.

Align your teams with award-winning clinical decision support for more consistent decision-making, reduced care variability, and improved health outcomes.

Equip teams across your organization with UpToDate clinical decision support

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